The Myers-Briggs Type indicator (MBTI). It divides personalities along the parameters of 8 extremes introvert-extrovert, intuitive-sensory, thinking-emotional, judging-perceptive. The combination of four letters (one from each pair of dimensions) gives a total of 16 personality types. Added to this is their tendency towards assertiveness / turbulence. Many companies apply the indicator in their teams.
The test is used so that the users themselves can find clues within their own behaviours that can guide them to improve the execution of their tasks, discover themselves in new roles, learn from their strengths and weaknesses.
Personality is an important factor in a person’s motivation, as it allows the individual to face situations and events and to perform in order to reach his or her goal.
Motivation is closely related to the development of the human being and can be recognised by the interaction of people with different situations, motivation varies from person to person and personality can be a factor that determines the intensity or direction of motivation. It is possible to identify as primary factors of motivation, the intensity, persistence and direction to achieve goals and these elements can be variables or indicators according to the type and characteristics of the personality.
Talking about personal characteristics, biographical, psychological, physical, situations that influence the person and personality traits is not a simple subject, it is a subject that due to its conditions is extremely complex, and it is important to identify the complexity and characteristics of a complex system.
Starting from the concept of a system, we can identify these as the set of elements or parts that interact with each other in order to achieve a specific objective, there is mutual influence between the elements, so that the behaviour of each of them influences or has an impact on the others.
Soft skills refer to both character traits and interpersonal skills. It is essential for a person to be confident in his or her knowledge and to share it with others. It includes character traits necessary for professional and personal life.
MBTI preferences indicate differences in people based on the following:
- How they focus their attention or get their energy (extraversion or introversion).
- How they perceive or take in information (sensation or intuition).
- How they prefer to make decisions (thinking or feeling).
- How they orient themselves to the outside world (rater or “judger” and perception).
Scoring in the MBTI is applied using psychometric techniques, item response theory, and also attempts to identify the preference, and the clarity with which the preference is expressed, in each dichotomy.

While the scores for each of the dichotomies can vary considerably from person to person, even among those of the same type. Isabel Myers considered the direction of the preference tendency (e.g., E vs. I) to be more important than the degree or intensity of the preference (e.g., strongly vs. weakly).
The MBTI only indicates the inclination towards one preference over another. For this reason, it is not correct to describe someone who scores high in Extroversion compared to Introversion on an MBTI test as ‘more’ extroverted: it can only indicate that they have a more definite preference.
We had the opportunity to use it at Rather Labs with our entire team and from the experience we not only got a lot of laughs, but also got to know each member better, found new commonalities, opened up new dialogues, learned to expose ourselves by trusting the team, took on new roles and allowed us to share from new spaces to foster our People Culture.

We took all the individual results and translated them into a group statistic, which is expressed as the average of the percentages for each indicator, the result was a snapshot of our People Culture.
Rather Labs is ENFJ-A: caring, enthusiastic, idealistic, organised, diplomatic, responsible. Skilled communicators who value connection with people.
Rather Labs’ spirit is idealistic, charismatic, creative and social, and we rely on these qualities to propel us to success wherever we have the opportunity to work with others.
Our members strive to prove their merits, we build our teams with profiles that are reliable and eager to help. Insightful and empathetic, they can take on multiple responsibilities with competence and good humour.
The desire to collaborate stands out. We always look for opportunities to create win-win situations and help co-workers reach their full potential. Equitable team environments are fostered where everyone, regardless of position, can feel comfortable expressing their opinions and ideas.
“There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests come together to achieve the same goals” (Idowu Koyenikan)
We want our team to be not only motivated, but inspired.
Rather Labs’ People Culture is geared towards making our team shine based on seeing each team member as an individual with significant gifts and unique potential. As a result, working with us can be meaningful and exciting: it’s an opportunity to develop both personally and professionally.
We encourage everyone in the team to shine because that makes us all shine brighter!

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Jordan Veronica Pilar — Head of HR at Rather Labs Inc.